Monday 17 August 2015

1st Journal Entry

Hello this is my first journal entry so I'm still a beginner at it. My project is about creating a 3D action animation. It is mainly based on biped animation. I made my models from scratch, unlike some people who get their models from the internet. Things aren't getting great lately however. I am pretty much behind schedule right now because of other important things and my own laziness. There are so many things I have to do in order to make this project great, but my time gets highly occupied. When  I have free time however, I get tired and lazy. Well, the only thing I need to fix is just my habits and my lax on time. I'm sure everything will work out and that this project will finish in time (jinxing yourself feels great).

These are some of the things I made during these 4 weeks. I am still working on modeling a head, which is pretty much downright hard.

A mask for my character 

The lighting is pretty bad. I'll remodel it later when I have the chance.

A body for my character

I think the body looks a bit too short, but I don't know, it's just my opinion.

A knife

Because why not.

Anyway this is all I've done in the past four weeks. I am really behind my schedule.But hey, thanks for visiting, and I hope the next journal entry is going to be a better one.

ITS OVER... (not really)