Sunday 25 October 2015

5th Journal Entry

Hi this is my fifth journal entry.

This week I've made the main character for the project. I remodeled the previous character into the the character he is using a bunch of extruding and target welding.
I've also finished modeling the weapon for the mob character. Originally this was supposed to be the main character's weapon, but I just decided to give it to the mob or the enemies. It is an assault rifle with a a very low-resolution reference image. I started from the end part to the nozzle.

Rigging the character:
I am going to plan on rigging the character with this YouTube tutorial, but I have not fully watched to know that it is useful.

Sunday 11 October 2015

4th Journal Entry

This is my fourth journal entry.

I modeled M4 gun thing.I think already finished it, but it needs a couple of tweaks but overall it's all good. I used editable poly and symmetry. I added some tubes as well for the barrel.

The next object is a person which is what I have finally completed. I can just use the guy and remodel it to other characters.I modeled the head first, which is from a box. Then I start extruding from the neck to create the body to the legs and arms and so on. the hand is pretty tough to make.

there is 6 weeks left so I don't know if I can finish this project. I do hope so.