Monday 14 September 2015

3rd Journal Entry

This is my 3rd journal entry. Let's start with a new knife concept

The knife I modeled last time looked bland so I restart with a new concept of a hook kind of knife. It is not finished yet though. I plane for the blade and convert it to editable poly, and then add symmetry modifier after I modeled half of it. For the handle I use a box and did the same thing with the blade. There are some trials and errors but I think I got the parts right now.

For the next modeling I am modeling the M9 gun. It is pretty hard at first finding the reference image, and right now I am only able to model only, let's say 10% of it. here's of what it looks like,

I restarted modeling the head as well and I am trying to think of modeling the clothes.

Here's how my work consistency works. I am working on modeling the knife at home right now, and I am working on modeling the gun at school. It is really slow so I don't really know. Making a 3D animation from scratch alone is hard you know.

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