Monday 16 November 2015

7th Journal Entry

In this journal entry, I did some progress on rigging the characters and some modelling. I almost completed rigging the main and the pawn.

Rigging for pawn

Rigging for main

Oh yeah, and I finally figured out some basic of rendering in 3dsmax.
To show what it is rendering, go to the viewport and click on safe frames, or Shift + F for the shortcut.

And to control the dimensions of your image/sequence, you go to the output size in the render setup.

There is also a command I learnt. It is used to lose the material from the object/model you have. To apply it you need to type it at the bottom corner left.
Click the object, then type the command: $.mat = null and the material is gone.

I am starting to rig the big pawn as well. I think rigging the main is finished, just need some small improvements on the fingers and joints. I am going to fix the joints using the Skin Morph Modifier, If I have time for it. I haven't finished rigging the pawn yet, and I'm doing it at school. I did the rigging for main at home and doing the rigging for the bigger pawn right now. It is such a pain to do it, but once you've finished it, it feels great.

So yeah I guess that's my update on this journal entry, I learnt a lot stuff about 3DSMAX "this week".


  1. Is it possible to put up .gifs onto your blog to showcase your animations?

    1. I don't know how to make gifs, but I will try to make a bit of video of my rigging.
