Thursday 26 November 2015

9th Journal Entry

This is my 9th journal entry. I started animating the models. To animate, you don't just move and rotate and add the key-frames to the CAT objects. You need to add the layer to the CAT objects to animate it. I used the Absolute Layer one, because that seems to be the most basic I have. I am about 65% done with the animating as I am writing the journal. It is so hard to animate, because I don't know what a second, and the third of it feels like, but it's doing fine.

I also added the materials to the objects. Here are examples:

I used the UVW Unwrap Modifier to apply the material and I use Adobe Photoshop to make the materials. They look pretty bad, but it fits the bill. I also try to experiment to use mental ray for the rendering, it makes the scene have those sexy lighting and shadows.

Here are pretty much the 'story' I have come up with will experimenting with this project. It changed a lot but this is the final story, I guess. You see, there is this crime organisation, and they have psychic powers (because it's so hard and takes a long time for them to hold the guns or other objects). And then there is this guy, the main character, which my childish and nerd side calls him "Dead Hunter". In this 'animation', we uncover as Dead Hunter goes on to this organisation and attacking them. That's pretty much the story basically.

Here is the map I made for the place to animate. It's a pretty simple map really, it's just part of an inside of the building, with a small vent, three 'branches' of the floor (I don't know the word), and a room for the boss. There are three pawns, the boss, or bigger pawn as I mentioned in the last posts. There's also the main character, with his sniper rifle, knife and M9. The lights are just standard lights. there is a chair and a table as well, made by converting them to editable poly from boxes and cylinders, and using turbosmooth modifier on some of the parts.

So yeah, that's pretty much what I have done in this journal entry. I hope I am able to finish this project and get an A in ACE IT.

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